Deep Tree Fertilizing – 905-707-8733
Need a Tree Expert in Toronto, ON? Call Now For A FREE ESTIMATE!
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- Fully Insured – WSIB, $5m Liability
- Environmentally Friendly Strategies
- Services in French and Spanish are Available
- Brand New State of the Art Equipment
Enviro Tree Care offers a deep root fertilization program with slow release nitrogen that ensures your tree gets the nutrients it requires. This deep root fertilizer will encourage healthy deep root growth, promote healing of wounds and prune cuts and aid the tree in fighting insects and disease. Deep Root Feeding can be done on almost all trees and shrubs, even cedars.
Enjoy healthier and more beautiful trees and shrubs
A qualified arborist will select an area around your trees and shrubs that need to be fed. He will then drill roughly 18” holes harmlessly into the ground with a gas powered auger. A commercial granular fertilizer will be inserted into the holes at the proper depth. This slow release fertilizer is very high in nitrogen and will provide between 1-3 years of fertilization.
Call 905-707-8733 today for a FREE estimate!
- ISA Certified Arborists – Ontario (ISAO)
- ASCA Consulting Arborists
- Society of Commercial Arboriculture
- Urban Forestry